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15 Ways to Stay Engaged When You’re Bored in Class

We’ve all been there. The lecture is dragging on, your mind starts to wander, and before you know it, boredom sets in. I remember sitting in history class one afternoon, feeling the weight of the day pressing down on me, and no matter how much I wanted to stay focused, my thoughts kept drifting. It’s not that the subject wasn’t interesting—I’ve always loved history—but sometimes, after hours of classes, it’s hard to stay engaged. But don’t worry—there are plenty of ways to keep your mind active and make the most out of those dull moments in class. Whether you’re looking to stay productive, be creative, or just pass the time, this guide will provide you with actionable strategies to turn your boredom into something beneficial.

1. Creative Outlets to Pass the Time

Doodling and Drawing

Student start to doodle when got bored in class

When the lecture material isn’t holding your attention, doodling can be a great way to stay mentally engaged without being disruptive. I used to feel guilty about doodling in the margins of my notebook, thinking it was just a distraction. But then I discovered that it actually helped me concentrate better and remember key points from the lecture. Whether it’s intricate designs, cartoon characters, or abstract art, doodling can be a subtle way to stay focused while letting your creativity flow.

Writing Short Stories or Poetry

A female student enjoying writing poem when got bored in class

If you enjoy writing, use your downtime in class to create something new. During my high school years, I often found myself jotting down ideas for short stories or poems when the class was slow. It became a way for me to channel my restlessness into something productive. Not only does this keep you occupied, but it also enhances your writing skills over time. You might even discover a hidden talent for storytelling, just like I did when I realized I could weave stories from the simplest of ideas.

Crafting Origami or Paper Art

Student designing origami when bored in class

For those who enjoy working with their hands, origami can be a quiet and rewarding activity. I remember the first time I tried folding a paper crane during a particularly long lecture—it was surprisingly calming and helped me stay patient and attentive. Carry a few sheets of paper in your notebook, and when you have some free time, try folding them into shapes like cranes, flowers, or stars. Origami is not only a creative outlet but also helps improve your concentration and patience, much like it did for me.

2. Educational Activities to Stay Engaged

Reading Ahead in the Textbook

A student reading a notebook when got bored in class

One of the simplest yet most productive ways to combat boredom is by reading ahead in your textbook. I used to do this during my chemistry classes when I felt the pace was too slow. This not only keeps you busy but also prepares you for upcoming lessons. When the teacher covers the material later, you’ll already be familiar with the content, which can enhance your understanding and participation in class discussions. Trust me, it feels great to already know what’s coming next.

Solving Puzzles or Brain Teasers

Bored students in class solving puzzles for time pass

Puzzles and brain teasers are excellent for keeping your mind sharp. I remember always carrying a small book of Sudoku puzzles in my backpack for moments when my attention was drifting. Whether it’s a crossword puzzle, Sudoku, or a logic puzzle, these activities can quietly engage your brain without drawing attention. You can even try creating your own puzzles for an extra challenge—it’s something I still do when I need a quick mental workout.

Listening to an Audiobook or Educational Podcast (with Permission)

student listening to educational audiobook and watching learning podcast when bored

If your school allows it, listening to an audiobook or podcast can be a great way to stay engaged during a slow class. I once listened to a fascinating podcast about ancient civilizations during a particularly tedious lecture, and it made the time fly by. Choose educational content that complements what you’re learning in school. For instance, if you’re studying history, find a podcast that dives deeper into specific events or figures you’re interested in. It’s a great way to supplement your learning while keeping boredom at bay.

3. Socially Productive Ways to Use Time

Helping a Classmate

Group of students helping fellow classmate in assignment

If you notice a classmate struggling with the material, offering your help can be a great way to stay engaged. In one of my math classes, I remember a friend struggling with algebraic equations, and by helping them, I reinforced my own understanding of the topic. Teaching others is one of the best ways to deepen your own knowledge, and it’s always rewarding to know you’ve made a difference for someone else.

Participating in Class Discussion

Students doing discussion on common issue facing while writing assignment in class when got bored

Sometimes, the best way to overcome boredom is by actively participating in the lesson. I found that when I started asking more questions and contributing to discussions, the classes became more interesting, and time seemed to pass faster. Ask questions, share your thoughts, and don’t be afraid to dive into the conversation. This not only keeps you involved but also demonstrates your interest and understanding to the teacher, which can positively impact your grades. It’s a win-win situation.

Collaborative Note-Taking

Team up with a friend or classmate to take notes during the lecture. This was a game-changer for me during group study sessions in college. You can share insights, clarify confusing points, and ensure that you both have comprehensive notes to review later. This collaborative approach can make even the most boring lectures more interactive and meaningful.

4. Self-Improvement and Goal Setting

Planning Your Week or Setting Goals

Student planning week ahead and setting goals in ample time when got bored in class

When your mind starts to wander, why not use that time to plan your week or set personal goals? During my senior year, I started using boring classes as an opportunity to get organized, and it made a huge difference in managing my time and stress levels. Grab your planner and map out your assignments, tests, and extracurricular activities. Setting short-term and long-term goals, whether academic or personal, can help you stay focused and motivated.

Mindfulness and Meditation Exercises

If you find yourself losing focus, practicing mindfulness or simple meditation techniques can help refocus your mind. I remember a time when I felt particularly overwhelmed in class, so I tried a simple breathing exercise I’d read about. It helped me calm down and regain my focus. Take a few deep breaths, concentrate on your surroundings, and bring your attention back to the present moment. This can help reduce stress and improve your overall concentration in class.

Learning a New Skill (e.g., Speed Reading, Memory Techniques)

student learning new skill in class when getting bored

Use your downtime in class to develop a new skill that will benefit your studies. During a particularly long and dry lecture, I once practiced speed reading techniques, and it turned out to be incredibly useful for getting through my reading assignments faster. You can also learn memory techniques to help you retain information better. These skills will not only keep you engaged in the moment but also pay off in the long run.

5. Digital Distractions: When It’s Okay

Educational Apps

student accessing educational apps when bored

If your school allows the use of smartphones or tablets in class, take advantage of educational apps. I’ve used language learning apps and academic assistance websites like Duolingo and assignment pro help during free periods, which made those moments feel productive. These can include language learning apps, math problem solvers, or even apps that help you with organization and time management. Just make sure the app you’re using is relevant to your studies and doesn’t distract from the lesson.

Quiet Games and Puzzles

While it’s important to stay focused on your studies, there’s no harm in taking a short mental break with a quick game or puzzle on your device—provided it doesn’t disrupt the class. I often played word games like Scrabble on my phone during breaks to keep my mind sharp. Choose games that are mentally stimulating, such as word games, puzzle games, or strategy-based games. These can help sharpen your mind while giving you a momentary break from the lesson.

Checking Academic Resources or Study Groups Online

Students checking academic resources online for their assignment when got time during class

Use your device to access academic resources, such as online encyclopedias, study guides, or educational videos. During a particularly dull history class, I once connected with an online study group that made the subject come alive in ways the lecture couldn’t. You can also connect with study groups or forums where you can discuss class material with peers. This can be a productive way to use your device in class, keeping you engaged with the subject matter in a different format.

6. Things to Avoid When Bored in Class

Avoid Distracting Others

It’s important to remember that while you might be bored, others in the class may still be trying to focus. I used to get easily distracted by others talking or passing notes, and it wasn’t until I focused on my own strategies for engagement that my productivity improved. Avoid doing anything that might distract or disturb your classmates, such as talking, passing notes, or making unnecessary noise.

Steering Clear of Social Media

Social media can be a huge distraction in class. I’ll admit, there were times when I was tempted to scroll through Instagram during a lecture, but it always left me feeling disconnected from the class. Not only does it take your focus away from the lesson, but it can also lead to missing important information or instructions. Save your social media scrolling for break times or after school hours.

Not Engaging in Negative Behavior

Boredom can sometimes lead to negative behavior, like making jokes at the teacher’s expense, disrupting the class, or being disrespectful. I’ve seen this happen in classes, and it never ends well. It’s important to channel your boredom into something positive, rather than letting it lead to actions that could get you in trouble.


1. How can I stay focused in a boring class?
Staying focused in a boring class can be challenging, but you can try engaging in quiet activities like doodling, solving puzzles, or reading ahead in your textbook. Participating in class discussions or helping a classmate can also keep your mind engaged.

2. Is it okay to use my phone during class if I am bored?
It depends on your school’s policy. If allowed, use educational apps, or listen to podcasts related to your studies. Avoid social media or games that could distract you or others.

3. What are some quiet activities I can do without distracting others?
Quiet activities include doodling, writing, solving brain teasers, or reading ahead. These activities help you stay engaged without disturbing your classmates.

4. How can I be productive during a slow class?
You can be productive by setting goals, planning your week, learning a new skill like speed reading, or participating in class discussions. These activities keep your mind active and focused.

5. What should I avoid doing when bored in class?
Avoid anything that could distract others, such as talking or using social media. Also, steer clear of negative behaviors like making jokes at the teacher’s expense or being disruptive.

6. Can doodling actually help with concentration?
Yes, studies have shown that doodling can help improve concentration and memory retention, making it a useful activity during long or dull lectures.


Boredom in class is something we all experience from time to time, but it doesn’t have to be wasted time. By employing some of the strategies mentioned above, you can turn those dull moments into opportunities for creativity, learning, and self-improvement. Whether you’re doodling, solving puzzles, helping a classmate, or setting personal goals, there are countless ways to stay engaged and make the most out of your time in class. So next time boredom strikes, you’ll be prepared to handle it in a way that’s both productive and rewarding.