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Question:- Which of the Following Exemplifies Extrinsically Motivated Behavior?

  1. Working at a job you hate in order to afford school
  2. Behaving to avoid being punished
  3. Misbehaving in order to get attention
  4. Attending a mosque because you believe it is the right thing to do

Understanding Motivation

Motivation explains why we do what we do. It can be divided into two main types:

  1. Intrinsic Motivation: Doing something because it’s personally rewarding or meaningful. The drive comes from within you.
    Example: Reading a book because you find the topic fascinating.
  2. Extrinsic Motivation: Doing something because of an external reward or pressure. The drive comes from outside of you.
    Example: Reading a book because you have to write a report on it for school.

Key Features of Extrinsic Motivation

  • It is goal-oriented toward an external outcome.
    (E.g., earning money, avoiding punishment, gaining praise.)
  • The task itself may not be enjoyable or meaningful.
    (E.g., working a job you dislike just to pay bills.)
  • The behavior stops when the external reward or pressure is gone.
    (E.g., if someone behaves only to avoid punishment, they may stop once the punishment is no longer a threat.)

The Question

Which of the following exemplifies extrinsically motivated behavior?

To solve this, we’ll analyze each option in detail and classify them as extrinsic or intrinsic based on whether the motivation comes from an external or internal source.

Option 1: Working at a job you hate in order to afford school

  • What’s happening here?
    • The person dislikes the job (no internal satisfaction).
    • The only reason they work is to earn money to afford school, which is an external reward.
  • Why is this extrinsic motivation?
    • The behavior (working) is not enjoyable or meaningful in itself; it is purely a means to an end.
    • The external goal—paying for school—drives the action.
  • Real-world examples similar to this:
    • Studying hard for a test just to get an A (not because you enjoy learning).
    • Doing chores for an allowance, not because you like cleaning.

Option 2: Behaving to avoid being punished

  • What’s happening here?
    • The person is acting out of fear of punishment (external pressure).
    • They are not motivated by personal values or enjoyment.
  • Why is this extrinsic motivation?
    • The behavior is driven by the desire to avoid negative consequences, which are external.
    • The person’s actions depend on the presence of this external threat.
  • Real-world examples similar to this:
    • Obeying traffic rules to avoid getting a ticket.
    • Doing homework because your teacher threatened detention.

Option 3: Misbehaving in order to get attention

  • What’s happening here?
    • The person is deliberately misbehaving to gain external recognition or validation.
    • The action is not enjoyable or meaningful on its own, but the attention it brings is the reward.
  • Why is this extrinsic motivation?
    • The goal (attention) is external. The behavior stops if the attention is not given.
  • Real-world examples similar to this:
    • Posting something on social media just to get likes.
    • Bragging to impress others, not because you value the accomplishment.

Option 4: Attending a mosque because you believe it is the right thing to do

  • What’s happening here?
    • The person believes that attending the mosque is morally or spiritually meaningful.
    • The motivation comes from within (personal beliefs or faith).
  • Why is this intrinsic motivation?
    • The action (attending the mosque) is meaningful and rewarding to the individual.
    • There is no external pressure or reward influencing this behavior.
  • Real-world examples similar to this:
    • Helping a friend because you care, not because you expect something in return.
    • Writing in a journal for self-reflection, not to share it with others.

Final Analysis

The examples that show extrinsically motivated behavior are:

  1. Working at a job you hate in order to afford school
  2. Behaving to avoid being punished
  3. Misbehaving in order to get attention

The fourth option, attending a mosque because you believe it is the right thing to do, reflects intrinsic motivation because it stems from internal beliefs and values.

Key Differences: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic MotivationExtrinsic Motivation
Comes from within you (internal satisfaction).Comes from outside you (external reward/pressure).
Behavior is enjoyable or meaningful in itself.Behavior is a means to an end.
Example: Painting because you love art.Example: Painting to sell and earn money.

Takeaway Question

Let’s practice! Can you think of an example where extrinsic and intrinsic motivations overlap? For instance, what if someone loves art (intrinsic) but also sells their paintings (extrinsic)? What would motivate them more in this situation?

Let’s discuss! 😊

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